Fiche pratique

Publié le 06/07/16 Vu 1 183 fois 0 Par Maximin Gourcy
The shame of creativity - a (not so) legal view on counterfeit

I have always been surprised by the way people judge the value of creation. As technology has brought us so many ways to do pretty much anything and feel we can create everything, the value of creation has declined in everybody's mind. In an era of dematerialized goods and services, we have never had access to such an amount of creations at the same time, but still, our behavior regarding Intellectual Property rights' of artists and innovators tends to make them ashamed of being creative.

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Publié le 21/09/15 Vu 1 166 fois 0 Par Maximin Gourcy
Faille spatio-temporelle en Polynésie Française

Si vous étiez l'heureux détenteur d'une marque déposée dans le courant du mois de février des années se terminant par le chiffre 4, vous êtes le grand gagnant.

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