What is French-legal-advice.net ?
French legal advice provides you, in English, with the information you need about French law. Easily and very quickly.Why such a website ?
The idea of such a website is born from the mind of Julien P. Julien is an engineer, creator of websites like this one, legavox.fr.With the help of lawyers, he created several websites about law. He created Information-juridique.com, which is a website offering legal advice about French law (in French). After the great success of this website, and the demand for French legal information in English, he decided to create the English version :
How does it work ?
The operation is relatively simple and takes place in 5 steps:
- You ask a question on French-legal-advice.net
- You validate your question by a payment by credit card or secure PAYPAL
- One of our lawyers deals with your question within 24/48 hours
- Discussion online with the lawyer as a forum and without rebilling
- The question is closed and then archived (you will still be able to see it through your member area)