Legal Assistance with International Adoption in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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9 rue Léopold Sédar Senghor

14460 Colombelles

Legal Assistance with International Adoption in the Democratic Republic of Congo

“Interested in adopting a child from the Democratic Republic of Congo or know someone who is? 

Consult the Congo Expert Adoption Law Firm, “YAV & ASSOCIATES” … for knowledgeable and caring service.” 



YAV & ASSOCIATES, the Congo Expert Adoption Law Firm specializes in domestic and international adoptions.  


The Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC] is a Non-Hague country. The process for adopting a child that lives in a Non-Hague Convention Country is governed by that country’s laws.  


As you approach adopting from a Non-Hague Convention Country, it is important to have an experienced and competent guide who can walk you through the various and unforeseen challenges unique to each of these countries.  The Congo Expert Adoption Law Firm, YAV & ASSOCIATES is here to help you in the process.   


 The rewards of a successful international adoption can be endless, but the challenge of attaining those rewards can seem daunting. The attorneys in our International Adoption Practice Department have the experience and ambition necessary to overcome these challenges and leave their clients rewarded.


It has been our privilege for over a decade to represent adopting families, agencies, and adopted children.  We have represented adopting families from throughout the world.  


We have handled adoption cases at all levels, and have been successful in helping to make Congo adoption law more child-friendly. Dr. Joseph Yav Katshung, the Manager of our Law Firm and International Adoption Practice Department is an adoption expert, author, and Professor of University. 


Dr. Joseph Yav Katshung, has researched and personally handled the legal aspects for both the adoption and related issues of many families in Congo and internationally. 


Dr. Joseph Yav’s background in international business practice as well as personal experience gives him the insight necessary to conduct not only the standard legal procedures, but also to coach you through the vulnerabilities and risks associated with the international adoption process.


We hope that this brief is informative and helpful, but keep in mind that adoption laws are often confusing and in flux, therefore, you will want to speak with us about your specific factual situation before making any decisions based upon the information at this site.  


 We invite you to contact or give us a call for more information.


Need to know more on adoption in the Democratic Republic of Congo, then click here for a brief insight.

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A propos de l'auteur

Le cabinet YAV & ASSOCIATES, est implanté dans trois villes de la RD.Congo dont Lubumbashi, Kolwezi et Kinshasa. Il a egalement un bureau de représentation en  République du Congo [Congo-Brazzaville]

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