The end of the suspension on international adoption in the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC]

Publié le 20/05/2015 Vu 3 094 fois 0

9 rue Léopold Sédar Senghor

14460 Colombelles

The Democratic Republic of Congo officially announced on May 16, 2015, the end of the suspension on international adoption between the DRC and the rest of the world. Thus marking the end of a long wait for many families.

The Democratic Republic of Congo officially announced on May 16, 2015, the end of the suspension on internatio

The end of the suspension on international adoption in the Democratic Republic of Congo [DRC]

The Ministry of Gender, Family and Children of the DRC officially announced on May 16, 2015, the end of the suspension on international adoption between the DRC and the rest of the world. Thus marking the end of a long wait for many families.

This lifting of the moratorium was announced by Ms. Berthe Bongo Kaya, deputy head of cabinet in the Ministry of Gender, Family and Children of the DRC.

This announcement met with many emotions including from adoptive families. For some, it's been almost two years that they have officially adopted a child but he could not leave the country following the establishment of a moratorium.

As a reminder, on 25 September 2013, the DRC government announced the suspension to adopt a Congolese child from orphanages within its territory following allegations that some were abandoned by their adoptive parents, while others were “sold to homosexuals.”  Since then, several thousand procedures were then suspended.

With this takeover, "all outstanding issues in adoption will be reconsidered," said a member of the Interdepartmental Commission for International Adoption in DRC.

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A propos de l'auteur

Le cabinet YAV & ASSOCIATES, est implanté dans trois villes de la RD.Congo dont Lubumbashi, Kolwezi et Kinshasa. Il a egalement un bureau de représentation en  République du Congo [Congo-Brazzaville]

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