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Publié le 09/03/21 Vu 1 171 fois 0 Par YAV & ASSOCIATES
Due diligence services to avoid scam mining business in  the Democratic Republic of Congo

Our Firm has experience in the legal and technical due diligence of Companies, businesses and transactions on behalf of the Investors, Bankers, Buyers, Sellers, PE Firms, Venture Capital and Asset Reconstruction companies.

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Publié le 28/07/23 Vu 929 fois 0 Par YAV & ASSOCIATES
Vivement l’Etat de Droit, 63 ans après l’indépendance : La Cour Constitutionnelle et sa Compétence Résiduelle

L’article 162 (2) de la Constitution de la RDC n’est plus la base exclusive de la compétence en matière d’appréciation de la constitutionnalité sur recours individuel direct en RDC. Qui arrêtera le gardien?

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Publié le 27/09/22 Vu 773 fois 0 Par YAV & ASSOCIATES
The Employee’s Probation Period in the DR Congo Labour Law

In terms of the DRC labour law, what is the probation and is it possible to extend an employee’s probation period ? If so, what are the conditions?

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Publié le 04/01/24 Vu 762 fois 0 Par YAV & ASSOCIATES
The UAE and the Congo-Brazzaville finalise terms of a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement [CEPA]

The UAE and the Republic of Congo-Brazzaville have concluded the terms of a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), a deal that will facilitate greater trade and investment flows as the two nations pursue deeper economic ties.

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Publié le 02/07/22 Vu 678 fois 0 Par YAV & ASSOCIATES
Transaction in Congolese Labor Law: Attention to the evolution of the Law from 2002 to 2016

Transaction constitutes an alternative method of settling disputes. This was not the case before the amendement of the Congolese Labour Code in 2016.

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Publié le 11/06/24 Vu 429 fois 0 Par YAV & ASSOCIATES
Economic Dismissal Vs Amicable Termination of Employment Contract in Democratic Republic of Congo

An employment contract can end in various ways. Depending on how, there are legal rules that must be followed. This brief discusses the termination of contract for economic reasons vs by mutual agreement in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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A propos de l'auteur

Le cabinet YAV & ASSOCIATES, est implanté dans trois villes de la RD.Congo dont Lubumbashi, Kolwezi et Kinshasa. Il a egalement un bureau de représentation en  République du Congo [Congo-Brazzaville]

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